The noise


Surfing the web in search of honest information is such a feat. The economical aspect of the market makes it so that everything becomes a product, which is not a bad thing in and of itself, but when greed and bad intentions are mixed, the result can be a disappointing charlatanism, and this state of affairs makes it hard for anyone to trust what is found in the abundance of content out there.


In the so-called fitness world there is so much distortion that it sometimes feels unreal what can be achieved through common and basic means, the torrent of information has no tail or head, and in every corner you find contradictions or advice conflicts that generally focus on the irrelevant of the bigger picture.


Add in that social media bombards us with altered pictures and/or of people on gear (steroids/hormones), manipulation of physique athletes to create before and after pictures, and everyone of them offering you the ideal method on how to attain it.


This, along with a natural tendency of believing in simple solutions, is what makes us fall in the faith that that we need to buy the product (a supplement, diet plan, exercise plan, life program) that will solve our problems to achieve the body we want.


As a practitioner and assiduous of the science that governs the results obtained towards body composition, it’s depressing to see how people are continuously deceived in detriment of their wallets and even health in the pursuit of their goals in this field.

My commitment


This is the main reason why I created this site, to show that there can be useful information without a price tag attached. My content is created always with the intention of giving you the pieces and tools so you can build your own structures. Self-education is the one thing that will help us not only reach your objectives, but most importantly: maintain them.


I won’t presume to say that my information is the best, in truth there is no such distinction because that is a subjective idea, and in fact my content is created thanks to some giants in the field from whom I continue to learn, and without which this wouldn’t exist, and their work precedes me by kilometers.


That’s why the way forward will be long, and you will be a source of improvement to what is posted here, helping evolve it at the same time that you benefit from it, a way of social symbiosis if you will.


Digesting the information may take time, challenge your convictions, contradict ideas, and certainly create more questions and doubts. In this site you will find my support both in the articles and in the comments sections, always.


– Gabo