Online coaching

Being accountable for your progress and commitment to your goals makes things a lot different. By knowing you have a personalized plan and the support you need, you won’t have to worry about making the most burning decisions, just follow the process.

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What I offer

My approach to coaching uses nutrition and exercise science, while taking your lifestyle into account, to design a plan that most suits you for your goals.

Forget about the fad diets, trendy foods, extreme workouts, excessive cardio, and other nonsense perpetuated in the fitness industry, whether is fat loss or muscle gain you are looking for, I will guide you through a manageable process that you can be consistent on.

I use evidence-based methods that are what every successful athlete or trainee has used in the past to get in phenomenal shape, because it’s based on scientific principles, everything is tailored to you and not a ‘cookie cutter’ program to sell to the masses.


The system

My approach to coaching uses nutrition and exercise science, while taking your lifestyle into account, to design a plan that most suits you for your goals.

Forget about the fad diets, trendy foods, extreme workouts, excessive cardio, and other nonsense perpetuated in the fitness industry, whether is fat loss or muscle gain you are looking for, I will guide you through a manageable process that you can be consistent on.

I use evidence-based methods that are what every successful athlete or trainee has used in the past to get in phenomenal shape, because it’s based on scientific principles, everything is tailored to you and not a ‘cookie cutter’ program to sell to the masses.


No more noise

After working with me you will become impervious to the social media influence, the nutrition confusion, and to spinning your wheels. By understanding the fundamentals of nutrition and training, you will be able to carve your own path.

My aim is not to have repeated customers, you will take over your nutrition and training after a while and be able to determine the right choices to continue in any direction you want.


Learn how to take over your programming

While working together not only will you refine your training and nutrition, but you will learn how to take control of it.

One of the biggest pitfalls when it comes to succeeding in keeping your body composition is knowing what to do.

The statistics when it comes to maintaining weight loss for example are staggeringly low, people seem to regain most of the weight loss in a matter of years or even months, after so much effort.

Even when it comes to muscle and strength gains, after a period of time, the progress stalls and trainees lose motivation, thinking that is the most they can get when they have barely touched the surface.

This is due to limited knowledge, but more importantly it’s because of a lack of understanding on how to properly apply the science and practical aspect of nutrition and training.

I change this.

All of my clients get the best planning for their lifestyle that maximizes their results towards their goal, and I teach the foundations of what it is required for them to continue on their own.

I don't intend on keeping clients forever. I believe in referrals, so I want you to look so awesome that people ask you how you got that way.


We will discuss your particular case and goals prior to the setup. This will help us create the best approach to the training and nutrition that fits in your lifestyle.

After the initial setup, we will track your training progress, your nutrition intake, and your recovery. This is key and where most of the commitment takes place. Nothing is set in stone, as you respond to the program we will adapt it to continue a smooth process.

Every week we will make evaluations and adjust if necessary. You have full support from me through e-mail any day if you are unsure about anything related to your program.



The pre-req form

If you fit the requirements and are ready to commit to coaching, start here and fill out the form to contact me.


The questionnaire

I will send you a questionnaire with a list of questions to know your condition, goals, previous history and experience, and other lifestyle related questions to assess you and make a good prediction.

Initial contact

Once I have the questionnaire, I will contact you to set a consultation when convenient for a video call via Skype, Hangouts or Facebook


During the consultation we will discuss your goals, how we can start working towards them, and my predictions. Here we will set realistic expectations and explain the methods I use. If we agree on everything we move to the payment system and we start coaching.


Are you in?

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